
End to end -testing

So far we have tested the backend as a whole on an API level using integration tests, and tested some frontend components using unit tests.

Next we will look into one way to test the system as a whole using End to End (E2E) tests.

We can do E2E testing of a web application using a browser and a testing library. There are multiple libraries available, for example Selenium which can be used with almost any browser. Another browser option are so called headless browsers, which are browsers with no graphical user interface. For example Chrome can be used in Headless-mode.

E2E tests are potentially the most useful category of tests, because they test the system through the same interface as real users use.

They do have some drawbacks too. Configuring E2E tests is more challenging than unit or integration tests. They also tend to be quite slow, and with a large system their execution time can be minutes, even hours. This is bad for development, because during coding it is beneficial to be able to run tests as often as possible in case of code regressions.

E2E tests can also be flaky. Some tests might pass one time and fail another, even if the code does not change at all.


E2E library Cypress has become popular within the last year. Cypress is exceptionally easy to use, and when compared to Selenium, for example, it requires a lot less hassle and headache. Its operating principle is radically different than most E2E testing libraries, because Cypress tests are run completely within the browser. Other libraries run the tests in a Node-process, which is connected to the browser through an API.

Let's make some end to end tests for our note application.

We begin by installing Cypress to the frontend as development dependency

npm install --save-dev cypress

and by adding an npm-script to run it:

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject",
    "server": "json-server -p3001 db.json",
    "cypress:open": "cypress open"  },
  // ...

Unlike the frontend's unit tests, Cypress tests can be in the frontend or the backend repository, or even in their own separate repository.

The tests require the tested system to be running. Unlike our backend integration tests, Cypress tests do not start the system when they are run.

Let's add an npm-script to the backend which starts it in test mode, or so that NODE_ENV is test.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node index.js",
    "dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development nodemon index.js",
    "build:ui": "rm -rf build && cd ../../../2/luento/notes && npm run build && cp -r build ../../../3/luento/notes-backend",
    "deploy": "git push heroku master",
    "deploy:full": "npm run build:ui && git add . && git commit -m uibuild && git push && npm run deploy",
    "logs:prod": "heroku logs --tail",
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test jest --verbose --runInBand",
    "start:test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test node index.js"  },
  // ...

When both backend and frontend are running, we can start Cypress with the command

npm run cypress:open

When we first run Cypress, it creates a cypress directory. It contains an integration subdirectory, where we will place our tests. Cypress creates a bunch of example tests for us in the integration/examples directory. We can delete the examples directory and make our own test in file note_app.spec.js:

describe('Note app', function() {
  it('front page can be opened', function() {
    cy.contains('Note app, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki 2020')

We start the test from the opened window:


Running the test opens your browser and shows how the application behaves as the test is run:


The structure of the test should look familiar. They use describe blocks to group different test cases like Jest does. The test cases have been defined with the it method. Cypress borrowed these parts from Mocha testing library it uses under the hood.

cy.visit and cy.contains are Cypress commands, and their purpose is quite obvious. cy.visit opens the web address given to it as a parameter in the browser used by the test. cy.contains searches for the string it received as a parameter from the page.

We could have declared the test using an arrow function

describe('Note app', () => {  it('front page can be opened', () => {    cy.visit('http://localhost:3000')
    cy.contains('Note app, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki 2020')

However, Mocha recommends that arrow functions are not used, because they might cause some issues in certain situations.

If cy.contains does not find the text is it searching for, the test does not pass. So if we extend our test like so

describe('Note app', function() {
  it('front page can be opened',  function() {
    cy.contains('Note app, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki 2020')

  it('front page contains random text', function() {    cy.visit('http://localhost:3000')    cy.contains('wtf is this app?')  })})

the test fails


Let's remove the failing code from the test.

Writing to a form

Let's extend our tests so, that the test tries to log in to our application. We assume our backend contains a user with the username mluukkai and password salainen.

The test begins by opening the login form.

describe('Note app',  function() {
  // ...

  it('login form can be opened', function() {

The test first searches for the login button by its text, and clicks the button with the command cy.click.

Both of our tests begin the same way, by opening the page http://localhost:3000, so we should separate the shared part into a beforeEach block run before each test:

describe('Note app', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {    cy.visit('http://localhost:3000')  })
  it('front page can be opened', function() {
    cy.contains('Note app, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki 2020')

  it('login form can be opened', function() {

The login field contains two input fields, which the test should write into.

The cy.get command allows for searching elements by CSS selectors.

We can access the first and the last input field on the page, and write to them with the command cy.type like so:

it('user can login', function () {

The test works. The problem is if we later add more input fields, the test will break because it expects the fields it needs to be the first and the last on the page.

It would be better to give our inputs unique ids and use those to find them. We change our login form like so

const LoginForm = ({ ... }) => {
  return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
            id='username'            value={username}
            id='password'            type="password"
        <button id="login-button" type="submit">          login

We also added an id to our submit button so we can access it in our tests.

The test becomes

describe('Note app',  function() {
  // ..
  it('user can log in', function() {
    cy.get('#username').type('mluukkai')    cy.get('#password').type('salainen')    cy.get('#login-button').click()
    cy.contains('Matti Luukkainen logged in')  })

The last row ensures that the login was successful.

Note that the CSS id-selector is #, so if we want to search for an element with the id username the CSS selector is #username.

Some things to note

The test first clicks the button opening the login form like so


When the form has been filled, the form is submitted by clicking the submit button


Both buttons have the text login, but they are two separate buttons. Actually both buttons are in the application's DOM the whole time, but only one is visible at a time because of the display:none styling on one of them.

If we search for a button by its text, cy.contains will return the first of them, or the one opening the login form. This will happen even if the button is not visible. To avoid name conflicts, we gave submit button the id login-button we can use to access it.

Now we notice that the variable cy our tests use gives us a nasty Eslint error


We can get rid of it by installing eslint-plugin-cypress as a development dependency

npm install eslint-plugin-cypress --save-dev

and changing the configuration in .eslintrc.js like so:

module.exports = {
    "env": {
        "browser": true,
        "es6": true,
        "jest/globals": true,
        "cypress/globals": true    },
    "extends": [ 
      // ...
    "parserOptions": {
      // ...
    "plugins": [
        "react", "jest", "cypress"    ],
    "rules": {
      // ...

Testing new note form

Let's next add tests which test the new note functionality:

describe('Note app', function() {
  // ..
  describe('when logged in', function() {    beforeEach(function() {      cy.contains('login').click()      cy.get('input:first').type('mluukkai')      cy.get('input:last').type('salainen')      cy.get('#login-button').click()    })
    it('a new note can be created', function() {      cy.contains('new note').click()      cy.get('input').type('a note created by cypress')      cy.contains('save').click()      cy.contains('a note created by cypress')    })  })})

The test has been defined in its own describe block. Only logged in users can create new notes, so we added logging in to the application to a beforeEach block.

The test trusts that when creating a new note the page contains only one input, so it searches for it like so


If the page contained more inputs, the test would break


Due to this it would again be better to give the input an id and search for the element by its id.

The structure of the tests looks like so:

describe('Note app', function() {
  // ...

  it('user can log in', function() {

    cy.contains('Matti Luukkainen logged in')

  describe('when logged in', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {

    it('a new note can be created', function() {
      // ...

Cypress runs the tests in the order they are in the code. So first it runs user can log in, where the user logs in. Then cypress will run a new note can be created which's beforeEach block logs in as well. Why do this? Isn't the user logged in after the first test? No, because each test starts from zero as far as the browser is concerned. All changes to the browser's state are reversed after each test.

Controlling the state of the database

If the tests need to be able to modify the server's database, the situation immediately becomes more complicated. Ideally, the server's database should be the same each time we run the tests, so our tests can be reliably and easily repeatable.

As with unit and integration tests, with E2E tests it is the best to empty the database and possibly format it before the tests are run. The challenge with E2E tests is that they do not have access to the database.

The solution is to create API endpoints to the backend for the test. We can empty the database using these endpoints. Let's create a new router for the tests

const router = require('express').Router()
const Note = require('../models/note')
const User = require('../models/user')

router.post('/reset', async (request, response) => {
  await Note.deleteMany({})
  await User.deleteMany({})


module.exports = router

and add it to the backend only if the application is run on test-mode:

// ...

app.use('/api/login', loginRouter)
app.use('/api/users', usersRouter)
app.use('/api/notes', notesRouter)

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {  const testingRouter = require('./controllers/testing')  app.use('/api/testing', testingRouter)}

module.exports = app

after the changes a HTTP POST request to the /api/testing/reset endpoint empties the database.

The modified backend code can be found from github branch part5-1.

Next we will change the beforeEach block so that it empties the server's database before tests are run.

Currently it is not possible to add new users through the frontend's UI, so we add a new user to the backend from the beforeEach block.

describe('Note app', function() {
   beforeEach(function() {
    cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/api/testing/reset')    const user = {      name: 'Matti Luukkainen',      username: 'mluukkai',      password: 'salainen'    }    cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/api/users/', user)     cy.visit('http://localhost:3000')
  it('front page can be opened', function() {
    // ...

  it('user can login', function() {
    // ...

  describe('when logged in', function() {
    // ...

During the formatting the test does HTTP requests to the backend with cy.request.

Unlike earlier, now the testing starts with the backend in the same state every time. The backend will contain one user and no notes.

Let's add one more test for checking that we can change the importance of notes. First we change the frontend so that a new note is unimportant by default, or the important field is false:

const NoteForm = ({ createNote }) => {
  // ...

  const addNote = (event) => {
      content: newNote,
      important: false    })

  // ...

There are multiple ways to test this. In the following example we first search for a note and click its make important button. Then we check that the note now contains a make not important button.

describe('Note app', function() {
  // ...

  describe('when logged in', function() {
    // ...

    describe('and a note exists', function () {
      beforeEach(function () {
        cy.contains('new note').click()
        cy.get('input').type('another note cypress')

      it('it can be made important', function () {
        cy.contains('another note cypress')
          .contains('make important')

        cy.contains('another note cypress')
          .contains('make not important')

The first command searches for a component containing the text another note cypress, and then for a make important button within it. It then clicks the button.

The second command checks that the text on the button has changed to make not important.

The tests and the current frontend code can be found from github branch part5-9.

Failed login test

Let's make a test to ensure that a login attempt fails if the password is wrong.

Cypress will run all tests each time by default, and as the number of tests increases it starts to become quite time consuming. When developing a new test or when debugging a broken test, we can define the test with it.only instead of it, so that Cypress will only run the required test. When the test is working, we can remove .only.

First version of our tests is as follows:

describe('Note app', function() {
  // ...

  it.only('login fails with wrong password', function() {

    cy.contains('wrong credentials')

  // ...

The test uses cy.contains to ensure that the application prints an error message.

The application renders the error message to a component with the CSS class error:

const Notification = ({ message }) => {
  if (message === null) {
    return null

  return (
    <div className="error">      {message}

We could make the test ensure, that the error message is rendered to the correct component, or the component with the CSS class error:

it('login fails with wrong password', function() {
  // ...

  cy.get('.error').contains('wrong credentials')})

First we use cy.get to search for a component with the CSS class error. Then we check that the error message can be found from this component. Note that the CSS class selector starts with a full stop, so the selector for the class error is .error.

We could do the same using the should syntax:

it('login fails with wrong password', function() {
  // ...

  cy.get('.error').should('contain', 'wrong credentials')})

Using should is a bit trickier than using contains, but it allows for more diverse tests than contains which works based on text content only.

List of the most common assertions which can be used with should can be found here.

We can, for example, make sure that the error message is red and it has a border:

it('login fails with wrong password', function() {
  // ...

  cy.get('.error').should('contain', 'wrong credentials') 
  cy.get('.error').should('have.css', 'color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)')
  cy.get('.error').should('have.css', 'border-style', 'solid')

Cypress requires the colors to be given as rgb.

Because all tests are for the same component we accessed using cy.get, we can chain them using and.

it('login fails with wrong password', function() {
  // ...

    .should('contain', 'wrong credentials')
    .and('have.css', 'color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)')
    .and('have.css', 'border-style', 'solid')

Let's finish the test so that it also checks that the application does not render the success message 'Matti Luukkainen logged in':

it.only('login fails with wrong password', function() {

    .should('contain', 'wrong credentials')
    .and('have.css', 'color', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)')
    .and('have.css', 'border-style', 'solid')

  cy.get('html').should('not.contain', 'Matti Luukkainen logged in')})

Should should always be chained with get (or another chainable command). We used cy.get('html') to access the whole visible content of the application.

Bypassing the UI

Currently we have the following tests:

describe('Note app', function() {
  it('user can login', function() {

    cy.contains('Matti Luukkainen logged in')

  it.only('login fails with wrong password', function() {
    // ...

  describe('when logged in', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {

    it('a new note can be created', function() {
      // ... 

First we test logging in. Then, in their own describe block, we have a bunch of tests which expect the user to be logged in. User is logged in in the beforeEach block.

As we said above, each test starts from zero! Tests do not start from the state where the previous tests ended.

The Cypress documentation gives us the following advice: Fully test the login flow – but only once!. So instead of logging in a user using the form in the beforeEach block, Cypress recommends that we bypass the UI and do a HTTP request to the backend to log in. The reason for this is that logging in with a HTTP request is much faster than filling a form.

Our situation is a bit more complicated than in the example in the Cypress documentation, because when a user logs in, our application saves their details to the localStorage. However Cypress can handle that as well. The code is the following

describe('when logged in', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/api/login', {      username: 'mluukkai', password: 'salainen'    }).then(response => {      localStorage.setItem('loggedNoteappUser', JSON.stringify(response.body))      cy.visit('http://localhost:3000')    })  })

  it('a new note can be created', function() {
    // ...

  // ...

We can access the response to a cy.request with the then method. Under the hood cy.request, like all Cypress commands, are promises. The callback function saves the details of a logged in user to localStorage, and reloads the page. Now there is no difference to user logging in with the login form.

If and when we write new tests to our application, we have to use the login code in multiple places. We should make it a custom command.

Custom commands are declared in cypress/support/commands.js. The code for logging in is as follows:

Cypress.Commands.add('login', ({ username, password }) => {
  cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/api/login', {
    username, password
  }).then(({ body }) => {
    localStorage.setItem('loggedNoteappUser', JSON.stringify(body))

Using our custom command is easy, and our test becomes cleaner:

describe('when logged in', function() {
  beforeEach(function() {
    cy.login({ username: 'mluukkai', password: 'salainen' })  })

  it('a new note can be created', function() {
    // ...

  // ...

The same applies to creating a new note now that we think about it. We have a test which makes a new note using the form. We also make a new note in the beforeEach block of the test testing changing the importance of a note:

describe('Note app', function() {
  // ...

  describe('when logged in', function() {
    it('a new note can be created', function() {
      cy.contains('new note').click()
      cy.get('input').type('a note created by cypress')

      cy.contains('a note created by cypress')

    describe('and a note exists', function () {
      beforeEach(function () {
        cy.contains('new note').click()
        cy.get('input').type('another note cypress')

      it('it can be made important', function () {
        // ...

Let's make a new custom command for making a new note. The command will make a new note with a HTTP POST request:

Cypress.Commands.add('createNote', ({ content, important }) => {
    url: 'http://localhost:3001/api/notes',
    method: 'POST',
    body: { content, important },
    headers: {
      'Authorization': `bearer ${JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('loggedNoteappUser')).token}`


The command expects user to be logged in and the user's details to be saved to localStorage.

Now the formatting block becomes:

describe('Note app', function() {
  // ...

  describe('when logged in', function() {
    it('a new note can be created', function() {
      // ...

    describe('and a note exists', function () {
      beforeEach(function () {
        cy.createNote({          content: 'another note cypress',          important: false        })      })

      it('it can be made important', function () {
        // ...

The tests and the frontend code can be found from github branch part5-10.

Changing the importance of a note

Lastly let's take a look at the test we did for changing the importance of a note. First we'll change the formatting block so that it creates three notes instead of one:

describe('when logged in', function() {
  describe('and several notes exist', function () {
    beforeEach(function () {
      cy.createNote({ content: 'first note', important: false })      cy.createNote({ content: 'second note', important: false })      cy.createNote({ content: 'third note', important: false })    })

    it('one of those can be made important', function () {
      cy.contains('second note')
        .contains('make important')

      cy.contains('second note')
        .contains('make not important')

How does the cy.contains command actually work?

When we click the cy.contains('second note') command in Cypress Test Runner, we see that the command searches for the element containing the text second note:


By clicking the next line .contains('make important') we see that the test uses

the 'make important' button corresponding to second note:


When chained, the second contains command continues the search from within the component found by the first command.

If we had not chained the commands, and instead wrote

cy.contains('second note')
cy.contains('make important').click()

the result would have been totally different. The second line of the test would click the button of a wrong note:


When coding tests, you should check in the test runner that the tests use the right components!

Let's change the Note component so that the text of the note is rendered to a span.

const Note = ({ note, toggleImportance }) => {
  const label = note.important
    ? 'make not important' : 'make important'

  return (
    <li className='note'>
      <span>{note.content}</span>      <button onClick={toggleImportance}>{label}</button>

Our tests break! As the test runner reveals, cy.contains('second note') now returns the component containing the text, and the button is not in it.


One way to fix this is the following:

it('other of those can be made important', function () {
  cy.contains('second note').parent().find('button').click()
  cy.contains('second note').parent().find('button')
    .should('contain', 'make not important')

In the first line, we use the parent command to access the parent element of the element containing second note and find the button from within it. Then we click the button, and check that the text on it changes.

Note that we use the command find to search for the button. We cannot use cy.get here, because it always searches from the whole page and would return all 5 buttons on the page.

Unfortunately, we have some copypaste in the tests now, because the code for searching for the right button is always the same.

In these kinds of situations, it is possible to use the as command:

it.only('other of those can be made important', function () {
  cy.contains('second note').parent().find('button').as('theButton')
  cy.get('@theButton').should('contain', 'make not important')

Now the first line finds the right button, and uses as to save it as theButton. The followings lines can use the named element with cy.get('@theButton').

Running and debugging the tests

Finally, some notes on how Cypress works and debugging your tests.

The form of the Cypress tests gives the impression that the tests are normal JavaScript code, and we could for example try this:

const button = cy.contains('login')

This won't work however. When Cypress runs a test, it adds each cy command to an execution queue. When the code of the test method has been executed, Cypress will execute each command in the queue one by one.

Cypress commands always return undefined, so button.click() in the above code would cause an error. An attempt to start the debugger would not stop the code between executing the commands, but before any commands have been executed.

Cypress commands are like promises, so if we want to access their return values, we have to do it using the then command. For example, the following test would print the number of buttons in the application, and click the first button:

it('then example', function() {
  cy.get('button').then( buttons => {
    console.log('number of buttons', buttons.length)

Stopping the test execution with the debugger is possible. The debugger starts only if Cypress test runner's developer console is open.

The developer console is all sorts of useful when debugging your tests. You can see the HTTP requests done by the tests on the Network tab, and the console tab will show you information about your tests:


So far we have run our Cypress tests using the graphical test runner. It is also possible to run them from the command line. We just have to add an npm script for it:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject",
    "server": "json-server -p3001 --watch db.json",
    "cypress:open": "cypress open",
    "test:e2e": "cypress run"  },

Now we can run our tests from the command line with the command npm run test:e2e


Note that video of the test execution will be saved to cypress/videos/, so you should probably git ignore this directory.

The frontend- and the test code can be found from github branch part5-11.