So far we have used our redux-store with the help of the hook-api from react-redux. Practically this has meant using the useSelector and useDispatch functions.
To finish this part we will look into another older and more complicated way to use redux, the connect-function provided by react-redux.
In new applications you should absolutely use the hook-api, but knowing how to use connect is useful when maintaining older projects using redux.
Using the connect-function to share the redux store to components
Let's modify the Notes component so that instead of using the hook-api (the useDispatch and useSelector functions ) it uses the connect-function. We have to modify the following parts of the component:
import React from 'react'
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'import { toggleImportanceOf } from '../reducers/noteReducer'
const Notes = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch() const notes = useSelector(({filter, notes}) => { if ( filter === 'ALL' ) { return notes } return filter === 'IMPORTANT' ? notes.filter(note => note.important) : notes.filter(note => !note.important) })
{notes.map(note =>
handleClick={() =>
dispatch(toggleImportanceOf(note.id)) }
export default Notes
The connect function can be used for transforming "regular" React components so that the state of the Redux store can be "mapped" into the component's props.
Let's first use the connect function to transform our Notes component into a connected component:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'import { toggleImportanceOf } from '../reducers/noteReducer'
const Notes = () => {
// ...
const ConnectedNotes = connect()(Notes)export default ConnectedNotes
The module exports the connected component that works exactly like the previous regular component for now.
The component needs the list of notes and the value of the filter from the Redux store. The connect function accepts a so-called mapStateToProps function as its first parameter. The function can be used for defining the props of the connected component that are based on the state of the Redux store.
If we define:
const Notes = (props) => { const dispatch = useDispatch()
const notesToShow = () => { if ( props.filter === 'ALL ') { return props.notes } return props.filter === 'IMPORTANT' ? props.notes.filter(note => note.important) : props.notes.filter(note => !note.important) }
{notesToShow().map(note => <Note
handleClick={() =>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
notes: state.notes,
filter: state.filter,
const ConnectedNotes = connect(mapStateToProps)(Notes)
export default ConnectedNotes
The Notes component can access the state of the store directly, e.g. through props.notes that contains the list of notes. Similarly, props.filter references the value of the filter.
The situation that results from using connect with the mapStateToProps function we defined can be visualized like this:

The Notes component has "direct access" via props.notes and props.filter for inspecting the state of the Redux store.
The NoteList component actually does not need the information about which filter is selected, so we can move the filtering logic elsewhere. We just have to give it correctly filtered notes in the notes prop:
const Notes = (props) => { const dispatch = useDispatch()
{props.notes.map(note =>
handleClick={() =>
const mapStateToProps = (state) => { if ( state.filter === 'ALL' ) { return { notes: state.notes } } return { notes: (state.filter === 'IMPORTANT' ? state.notes.filter(note => note.important) : state.notes.filter(note => !note.important) ) }}
const ConnectedNotes = connect(mapStateToProps)(Notes)
export default ConnectedNotes
Now we have gotten rid of useSelector, but Notes still uses the useDispatch hook and the dispatch function returning it:
const Notes = (props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
{props.notes.map(note =>
handleClick={() =>
dispatch(toggleImportanceOf(note.id)) }
The second parameter of the connect function can be used for defining mapDispatchToProps which is a group of action creator functions passed to the connected component as props. Let's make the following changes to our existing connect operation:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
notes: state.notes,
filter: state.filter,
const mapDispatchToProps = { toggleImportanceOf,}
const ConnectedNotes = connect(
export default ConnectedNotes
Now the component can directly dispatch the action defined by the toggleImportanceOf action creator by calling the function through its props:
const Notes = (props) => {
{props.notes.map(note =>
handleClick={() => props.toggleImportanceOf(note.id)}
This means that instead of dispatching the action like this:
When using connect we can simply do this:
There is no need to call the dispatch function separately since connect has already modified the toggleImportanceOf action creator into a form that contains the dispatch.
It can take some to time to wrap your head around how mapDispatchToProps works, especially once we take a look at an alternative way of using it.
The resulting situation from using connect can be visualized like this:

In addition to accessing the store's state via props.notes and props.filter, the component also references a function that can be used for dispatching TOGGLE_IMPORTANCE-type actions via its toggleImportanceOf prop.
The code for the newly refactored Notes component looks like this:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { toggleImportanceOf } from '../reducers/noteReducer'
const Notes = (props) => {
{props.notes.map(note =>
handleClick={() => props.toggleImportanceOf(note.id)}
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
if ( state.filter === 'ALL' ) {
return {
notes: state.notes
return {
notes: (state.filter === 'IMPORTANT'
? state.notes.filter(note => note.important)
: state.notes.filter(note => !note.important)
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(
Let's also use connect to create new notes:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { createNote } from '../reducers/noteReducer'
const NewNote = (props) => {
const addNote = async (event) => {
const content = event.target.note.value
event.target.note.value = ''
props.createNote(content) }
return (
<form onSubmit={addNote}>
<input name="note" />
<button type="submit">add</button>
export default connect( null, { createNote })(NewNote)
Since the component does not need to access the store's state, we can simply pass null as the first parameter to connect.
You can find the code for our current application in its entirety in the part6-5 branch of this Github repository.
Referencing action creators passed as props
Let's direct our attention to one interesting detail in the NewNote component:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { createNote } from '../reducers/noteReducer'
const NewNote = (props) => {
const addNote = async (event) => {
const content = event.target.note.value
event.target.note.value = ''
props.createNote(content) }
return (
<form onSubmit={addNote}>
<input name="note" />
<button type="submit">add</button>
export default connect(
{ createNote })(NewNote)
Developers who are new to connect may find it puzzling that there are two versions of the createNote action creator in the component.
The function must be referenced as props.createNote through the component's props, as this is the version that contains the automatic dispatch added by connect.
Due to the way that the action creator is imported:
import { createNote } from './../reducers/noteReducer'
The action creator can also be referenced directly by calling createNote. You should not do this, since this is the unmodified version of the action creator that does not contain the added automatic dispatch.
If we print the functions to the console from the code (we have not yet looked at this useful debugging trick):
const NewNote = (props) => {
const addNote = (event) => {
const content = event.target.note.value
event.target.note.value = ''
// ...
We can see the difference between the two functions:

The first function is a regular action creator whereas the second function contains the additional dispatch to the store that was added by connect.
Connect is an incredibly useful tool although it may seem difficult at first due to its level of abstraction.
Alternative way of using mapDispatchToProps
We defined the function for dispatching actions from the connected NewNote component in the following way:
const NewNote = () => {
// ...
export default connect(
{ createNote }
The connect expression above enables the component to dispatch actions for creating new notes with the props.createNote('a new note')
The functions passed in mapDispatchToProps must be action creators, that is, functions that return Redux actions.
It is worth noting that the mapDispatchToProps parameter is a JavaScript object, as the definition:
Is just shorthand for defining the object literal:
createNote: createNote
Which is an object that has a single createNote property with the createNote function as its value.
Alternatively, we could pass the following function definition as the second parameter to connect:
const NewNote = (props) => {
// ...
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => { return { createNote: value => { dispatch(createNote(value)) }, }}
export default connect(
In this alternative definition, mapDispatchToProps is a function that connect will invoke by passing it the dispatch-function as its parameter. The return value of the function is an object that defines a group of functions that get passed to the connected component as props. Our example defines the function passed as the createNote prop:
value => {
Which simply dispatches the action created with the createNote action creator.
The component then references the function through its props by calling props.createNote:
const NewNote = (props) => {
const addNote = (event) => {
const content = event.target.note.value
event.target.note.value = ''
return (
<form onSubmit={addNote}>
<input name="note" />
<button type="submit">add</button>
The concept is quite complex and describing it through text is challenging. In most cases it is sufficient to use the simpler form of mapDispatchToProps. However, there are situations where the more complicated definition is necessary, like if the dispatched actions need to reference the props of the component.
The creator of Redux Dan Abramov has created a wonderful tutorial called Getting started with Redux that you can find on Egghead.io. I highly recommend the tutorial to everyone. The last four videos discuss the connect method, particularly the more "complicated" way of using it.
Presentational/Container revisited
The refactored Notes component is almost entirely focused on rendering notes and is quite close to being a so-called presentational component. According to the description provided by Dan Abramov, presentation components:
- Are concerned with how things look.
- May contain both presentational and container components inside, and usually have some DOM markup and styles of their own.
- Often allow containment via props.children.
- Have no dependencies on the rest of the app, such as Redux actions or stores.
- Don’t specify how the data is loaded or mutated.
- Receive data and callbacks exclusively via props.
- Rarely have their own state (when they do, it’s UI state rather than data).
- Are written as functional components unless they need state, lifecycle hooks, or performance optimizations.
The connected component that is created with the connect function:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
if ( state.filter === 'ALL' ) {
return {
notes: state.notes
return {
notes: (state.filter === 'IMPORTANT'
? state.notes.filter(note => note.important)
: state.notes.filter(note => !note.important)
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(
Fits the description of a container component. According to the description provided by Dan Abramov, container components:
- Are concerned with how things work.
- May contain both presentational and container components inside but usually don’t have any DOM markup of their own except for some wrapping divs, and never have any styles.
- Provide the data and behavior to presentational or other container components.
- Call Redux actions and provide these as callbacks to the presentational components.
- Are often stateful, as they tend to serve as data sources.
- Are usually generated using higher order components such as connect from React Redux, rather than written by hand.
Dividing the application into presentational and container components is one way of structuring React applications that has been deemed beneficial. The division may be a good design choice or it may not, it depends on the context.
Abramov attributes the following benefits to the division:
- Better separation of concerns. You understand your app and your UI better by writing components this way.
- Better reusability. You can use the same presentational component with completely different state sources, and turn those into separate container components that can be further reused.
- Presentational components are essentially your app’s “palette”. You can put them on a single page and let the designer tweak all their variations without touching the app’s logic. You can run screenshot regression tests on that page.
Abramov mentions the term high order component. The Notes component is an example of a regular component, whereas the connect method provided by React-Redux is an example of a high order component. Essentially, a high order component is a function that accept a "regular" component as its parameter, that then returns a new "regular" component as its return value.
High order components, or HOCs, are a way of defining generic functionality that can be applied to components. This is a concept from functional programming that very slightly resembles inheritance in object oriented programming.
HOCs are in fact a generalization of the High Order Function (HOF) concept. HOFs are functions that either accept functions as parameters or return functions. We have actually been using HOFs throughout the course, e.g. all of the methods used for dealing with arrays like map, filter and find are HOFs.
After the React hook-api was published, HOCs have become less and less popular. Almost all libraries which used to be based on HOCs have now been modified to use hooks. Most of the time hook based apis are a lot simpler than HOC based ones, as is the case with redux as well.
Redux and the component state
We have come a long way in this course and, finally, we have come to the point at which we are using React "the right way", meaning React only focuses on generating the views, and the application state is separated completely from the React components and passed on to Redux, its actions, and its reducers.
What about the useState-hook, which provides components with their own state? Does it have any role if an application is using Redux or some other external state management solution? If the application has more complicated forms, it may be beneficial to implement their local state using the state provided by the useState function. One can, of course, have Redux manage the state of the forms, however, if the state of the form is only relevant when filling the form (e.g. for validation) it may be wise to leave the management of state to the component responsible for the form.
Should we always use redux? Probably not. Dan Abramov, the developer of redux, discusses this in his article You Might Not Need Redux.
Nowadays it is possible to implement redux-like state management without redux by using the React context-api and the useReducer-hook. More about this here and here. We will also practice this in part 9.